Rad Dads!

Rad Dads!

We love Rad Dads!

If you are wearing a tee shirt under a flannel with jeans, and you have been for the past 30-40 years or longer, then you might just be a rad dad! Man, oh man, do dads have it figured out. What kind of amazing, secret society have boys and men alike been in cahoots with, that give these brilliant men the wisdom to embrace consistent comfort generation after generation?

The mysterious origins of this classified behavior lead me to question, “Who is this underground community of dad-folk and what do these dads know that we don’t know?”.

I’m here to set the record straight. Dads know more than they are letting on and passing their soft and prosperous teachings onto fathers to come.

My research shows that starting in the 1950’s, “western wear” hit the scene. It was all the rage. Outside the office, flannel button downs became a way of life. Photo archives depict men nodding in approval and admiration whilst another man stood proudly (and comfortably) knowing that he WAS indeed looking dapper in his flannel casual wear.

I like to think it was then, a seed was planted, following a vow to conceal all knowledge of this effortless, yet stately grandeur, among dad-kind.

Bringing this subject to light has been speculative over the years. It wasn’t until Vogue magazine was brave enough to coin the term, “dadcore” and we all lost our minds.

Has this Rad Dad style been outed? What could it mean for mankind now that, “dadcore” is finally trending? Was this part of the plan all along? Time will only tell.

I know this to be true; the best father’s provide love, patience, good advice to all, and teach by example. All of this throughout generations has led me to believe that possibly the road to becoming a Rad Dad lies in the preservation of love and patience, while still being strong of heart and knowing what’s right.

So why wouldn’t the #1 choice of clothing among dad’s be Flannel? It only makes sense. It’s the “dad-liest“ of all clothing that exists, and if you don’t believe me then you maybe you’ll believe this…

Did you hear about the man in boxers who gave police a brief chase?

Happiest of Father’s Day to all of you trendy role models out there! Love you DAD!

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